
Forum za slobodu odgoja/ Forum for Freedom in Education

Forum for Freedom in Education is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, which has been active in Croatia since 1992 and was registered in 1998 in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Associations.The main goal of Forum is to introduce the educational standards of the contemporary democratic society into the Croatian education system.The members of the Forum are education experts, experienced practitioners and academics, professors and teachers, parents and students that want to improve on various education issues. During the past 20 years, main activities of the Forum include creating and implementing education programs for methodological training of the teaching professionals, non-violent conflict resolution, health education, civic education, student scholarships, and training in the field of methodology of teaching. The mission of Forum for Freedom in Education is to implement contemporary and quality education programs and to impact the public policies, always in its activities guided by the principals of fairness, non-violence, open communication, life-long learning and critical thinking. By comparing and harmonising the education in Croatia with the education standards of the contemporary democratic societies, Forum is advocating for the right to choose education that creates a self-actualised person as well as the right of equal access to it.
In this project, the Forum will be the lead the M&E of coaching programmes. More, the Forum will participate in all main activities, will develop and implement the coaching program in Croatia and will organise and host one project meeting (project meeting 4b).



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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